Let me begin by saying, "I know it's been 2 years since my last post".
I have been so wrapped up in Ravelry that I have neglected this blog. I will continue my love
affair with Ravelry but I had something so big to share that it wouldn't fit on the Ravelry site.
I am an Olympian!!!!!!
The Yarn Harlot, AKA Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, conceived the Knitting Olympics to coincide with the actual Olympic Games. She has hosted the event for a few years, I lurked in the background, and jumped into the foray this year.
I can't even begin to relate to you,dear reader, the passion in which the harlot conveys
her philosophy. Please take the time to read her blog post, you may not understand us knitters but it should make you smile at us anyway.
The concept, in brief, is to cast on (begin a knitting project) during the opening ceremonies.
Knit on said project for the duration of the games.
Cast off (complete the knitting project) before the Olympic flame is extinguished.
I have knit this project twice before so I am really familiar with the pattern.
I don't expect to score very high in difficulty, however I hope to nail it in execution/artistry.
(Although no one is keeping score)
The Knitting Olympics are designed to be a singles event, I decided to make mine a team event.
I enjoy the company of a select group of knitters once a month in Frankfort, KY
We met, (more or less) at Sophie's Knitting Retreat over 2 years ago. *you may recall that post*
We had so much fun that weekend that we decided to meet monthly. We catch up on everyone's knitting, stash enhancement, book/pattern acquisition, family stuff, etc.
We met today, Valentines Day.
I had each attendee knit on my project. It will be so special for me knowing that their handwork is surrounding me as I wear the wrap.
I present to you the knitters of team Kim's Clapotis
Up first Carla
She is our eldest member (AGE, don't ask, don't tell)

She has more knitting experience than the rest of us collectively

Next to knit was Lindsey. I am so proud to say she is my Daughter-In-Law!!!

Lindsey is a speedy, and fearless knitter

Next in the lineup is Anita.
She is our resident LYS employee

Which means she always has the latest news, reviews and samples of the newest knitting goodness.

This is Paula, our always gracious host.

She is unbeatable in the Stash competition.
I'm pretty sure that she has yarn stashed that even she doesn't know about.

Meet Suzanne
She is our most prolific knitter.

I'm pretty sure she knits in her sleep.

Candi is Carla's daughter

Candi is also fearless, but suffers like many knitters from
KADD (Knitters
Attention Deficit Disorder).
I know all about this disorder, suffering from it myself. We see something that we have to start "right now". You, yes you, know exactly what I'm talking about.

Finally anchoring this team effort is Me.

I'm not even going to try to describe myself.
You probably wouldn't believe me if I tried!

Until next post...
Whenever that is
Love Peace and Knitting